Wednesday, March 16, 2011

To Andrew...

Andrew, today I saw another side of you.

You are normally the boy who is completely unfazed by anything that falls under the category of "Yucky".

Who could forget the time you once spit out chewing gum on a dirt path before a family walk and when we came back nearly an hour later, I noticed you chewing that same gum, only this time filled with pebbles and dog hair and all manner of unspeakable horror. All you had to say was, "Yumm!"


How about the time you spilled soda on the nasty Costco dining table and began licking it up before I had a chance to pry you away? When I finally did, you had a funny look on your face because you had also lapped up a little of someones leftover shepherds pie.


How about the fact that whenever I vaccuum it's a challenge for me to keep you from sucking on the end of the hose...the hose that sucks up withered grapes, bathroom hair and soggy bits of sick-out.


What about how you like to poke the inside of the toilet with your little chubby finger WHILE you are going potty! (And NO...his hand almost never comes back unscathed)


How about that one time I let you roll in mud! Gooped it in your hands, squished it in your toes and squleched it all over your little body. It didn't phase you, in fact you had the time of your life! You still ask to play in the mud!!!!!


How about the fact that you don't mind a runny nose. In fact, I have even (gasp) caught you doing a little lick if I can't wipe it away fast enough. these are just a few of the reasons why I, in your 2 plus years of lif, have come to know you has a 100% boy's boy who liked to get dirty...who is made of tough stuff and who isn't balked by messes or anything else that a normal person might consider nasty.

I guess that's why I was so shocked today...seriously flabbergasted when I heard you dry heave. I quickly looked up to see the sickened look on your face as you managed to utter the words, "Mommy, yucky!" I stopped to grab my bearings...what were you referring to? What was so yucky? And did it!

You seriously....literally vomited your lunch because of what I was doing. I rushed to your side, asked if you were sick, checked your temperature, made sure you were ok. The only thing I got from you was, "Mommy, I fine." Only you followed by a point to the container in my hands as you say, "Oh, soooo yucky!" And then another little dry heave.


So, Andrew, I am sorry that what I was doing made you feel so queasy. I am sorry that you just aren't man enough to see past the "yuckiness" of my task. But I still have to continue, unfortunately it's a necessary part of life...or Abby's rather. But I promise you, from here on out, you no longer have to watch or even be in the same room the next time I feed Abby some baby food.


Trent and Steph said...

You are hilarious Emily. I seriously LOVE reading anything you write. Baby food, of all things, is what he chooses to lose his lunch over. Ha ha ha, I'm just giggling to myslef. Miss you and hope everything is going well over there.

Valeri Finley said...

I LOVE reading your posts! You should write a book!

HoorayforHansons said...

HAHAHA! Oh Emily! You are one of my most favorite peeps ever... AND YOUR MY COUSIN! Woot Woot for me! Love you!

Rachel Sorber said...

Oh, that is hilarious! I just witnessed another boy (my nephew) doing that same thing--retching and vomiting on purpose. Only this one was over a carrot he was being made to eat. Not nearly as gross as baby food. But still--that takes a certain amount of skill. I love your kids. Andrew will always keep a very special piece of my heart (that part that loves being messy myself!).

Anonymous said...

Oh Andrew! Thats hilarious that he cant stand the sight of baby food. I love the stories and he's such a boy! Oh the things that await me :) Hope all is well!

Unknown said...

If it was peas, I'm right there with Andrew!

Info for you said...

Also a big fan of you writing!! :D
So funny :D

Bryan and Natalie said...

Baby food?!?! Of all things! Hilarious!

Jonathan and Laura said...

Wow Andrew you like some pretty gross stuff. That is hilarious that he dry heaved when he saw baby food, out of all things. I hope you're doing well over there. I wish we could visit!