Monday, March 28, 2011


So, we live in a small flat and therefore Andrew and Abby get the befit of sharing the same room. Normally I would agree that having kids share a room is a great, initiatory passage to life but I am having problems....ISSUES!

Abby, being a wee bairn, still likes to wake up in the middle of the night and cry. You know, just to make sure the ol' vocal chords still work. So, since she is 6 months plus, I decided move her into the living room at night and let her cry it out to see how that would go. Went great! She is a small tings so she still fits in her Moses basket and after about 2 days she was sleeping blissfully through the night. So, I took the next step and moved her into the crib in Andrew's room. Here is the problem I am encountering:

When I put them down for bed, they both go to sleep just fine.HOWEVER starting at about 3am Abby cries...the first time I just let her do it, knowing it would stop after a minute or two. But it didn't...she kept going and then Andrew woke up. have to understand that Andrew can really be a terror at night. He DOES NOT appreciate getting woken. So, I went in to take care of Abby and ended up putting her back in the living room so I could calm Andrew who proceeded to have an hour of tantrums and demands....please, again, keep in mind that is is 3am...I'm not feeling so loving or patient at that hour.

Anyway, so the next day I decided we will try again and see what happens and basically, the same thing did. And the next night....the same thing. So, now I am left in this predicament.

Abby is used to her Moses basket in the living room. She seriously quiets right down and goes to sleep the minute I put her in it. Andrew, has begun waking up at 3 am...just because! YES! THIS IS GREAT! (Oh, by the way, that was sarcastic) So every night I have to sort him out at 3 and I've just put Abby in the living room to start...easier that way. But, I have problems!!! This can't last. Abby can't stay in her Moses basket much longer...she getting too big, it's not safe. Andrew needs to learn how to deal with her making noises at night. BUT I don't know how to do this gracefully.

In one last attempt last night I decided I would just keep Abby in her crib and let her cry it out and Andrew will just have to deal with it...I decided I was going to just sign out. Um...come 3 am, that lasted about 7 minutes before WWIII broke out. Andrew screaming, yelling for "BABY BE QUIET", which obviously didn't help Abby as she began screaming even louder. Then Andrew came running into our room and has a bit of tantrum and get the idea. This something I can't just ignore and hope they sort out...I must actively parent this but Mike and I are both flabbergasted at what we can do.

So this post is to beg, plead and beseech those of you with any wisdom at all on the topic to offer your advice. Your experienced...ANYTHING to help us out!!!!!

Thank you


Unknown said...

We had the same prob with our kids. We had to bust out a space heater and put it to the fan setting and it goes all night long. It's by Sam's bed because he was the one with the sleeping problems. He'd wake up at the slightest sound. But maybe you could put it by Andrew's bed. Just any kind of white noise machine-y thing. That was our solution. Good luck! Love ya!

BriAnna Jenkins said...

We haven't crossed this bridge yet... our older one is still in her crib with no end in sight! But, what about a compromise? Put baby in the moses basket IN the crib for now, let her get used to being in the bedroom, and then switch her to just the crib when she is too big for the moses basket?

Cindy said...

I like the white noise suggestion. Here's another one...Try moving Andrew out onto the couch or on the floor in your room until Abby gets used to crying it out in the bedroom. When she is good and solidly sleeping try moving him back in. Maybe I better think of different sleeping arrangements when you guys come home!

Cindy said...

P.S. How many years did you sleep on the floor in our room?!

Info for you said...

I thought they were doing better ??