Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sure do love this thing!

Andrew will turn three in just three short months. I can hardly believe it, he is growing so fast! Of course, it's not been without a challenge or two but lately he has been sooo good! Seriously, so helpful and obedient and I think I am finally seeing the terrible two's packing their bags! OH. THE. JOY!!!!

Anyway, I wanted to share some of Andrew's fun little quirks and sayings. The following are a few wee gems:

Andrew: Mommy, I’m rumbly tummy!
Me: Oh, you have a rumbly tumbly? Are you hungry?
Andrew: Yes, ‘sigh’, i need to eat your nose.
He then grabs my nose, acts like he puts it in his mouth and says, “all better”

I was sitting on the floor playing with Andrew and he asked me to trace his hands. I did and when I was done, he stood up and pat me on the head while saying, “Good boy.”

Andrew and I were playing with sock puppets and he started laughing and said, “Mommy, Andrew silly!”
Me: Yep, Andrew is a silly billy
Andrew: “Not billy, I ANDREW!”

Andrew has a weird comfort thing with my hair. He likes to rub it against his face when he is tired or upset...i know?!?!?!?! Anyway, one time he was doing that and commented:
"Mommy hair has black on it!"
I said, "Yes, Mommy's hair is dark like Andrews". Andrew did not like that because he yelled back, "No! ANDREW HAIR IS BROWN! Silly mommy!"

Abby went down for her morning nap so I turned cartoons on for Andrew and told him I was going to take a quick shower. He looked at me and said, “oh, yes... yucky hair, mommy!”

Lately Andrew has been going around doing the following little saying:
“How do we do?” (This means, what do we do?)
I respond by saying: "I don’t know, what do we do?" Then Andrew puts his finger to his lips and says, "Hmmmm....Bright idea!” He then spouts off what he would like to do (lately it's involved eating cheese...weirdo!)

Yep...he is definitley a keeper!

OH, by the way, I think this one is pretty darn cute too!!!


Unknown said...

Those are really cute stories! I like the "Silly billy" story and the "Good boy" story! Yeah for you and your cute kids!

Kristi said...

Darling kiddos Em! Your little Abigail is sure getting big! I'm happy to hear the terrible two's seem to be going away! You deserve it!

**We were looking to be a van (yes, I know, I said we are thinking about buying a van...sigh)from this couple, and the wife reminded me so much of YOU! She had Emily humor! :) It made me miss you MUCHO.

Anonymous said...

i love Andrew's sayings, they're hilarious! I can't believe he's almost 3, they grow up so fast!

Rachel Sorber said...

Oh, he's so funny. I'm so glad he's been good for you. Two has hit him kinda hard. But when you're as cute as he is, it's ok. You're a great mommy.

Katie said...

Your kids are so cute! I can't believe how much Abby looks like Andrew - and they both look like a combo of you and Mike. Keep up the good work! (haha...strangers would tell me this - it was a little awkward...but I really mean it!)

Andrea said...

Love his super hero mask and cape!! What a little cutie! Thanks for sharing all his funny sayings!

Abby is darling!

Jonathan and Laura said...

Aww, Andrew is so cute! And so is Abigail!

wanda said...

Waahh! Your family is so sweet and pretty! In addition, the header is beautiful!

Chelsey said...

I'm glad you record these cute sayings to share with us, and also so you'll have them to smile over for years to come. Andrew sure is a cutie and a smart one!

Josh said...

I just thought you'd like to know that you have a look alike working at Kohler's in Highland. Seriously - I asked her if she was your sister, that's how much you look alike - and I don't even know if you have a sister!