Sunday, February 17, 2008


One more thing I forgot to mention. I have gotten a lot of people asking me about how the baby is coming along so I thought I'd quickly mention that things are going really well. I am now in my 7th month in getting bigger and bigger by the day! I must admit that I am excited for when I get my body back and I'm really looking forward to meeting our little boy. We still aren't set on a name but we have narrowed down the choices to the following (all of which include the middle name of Paul):
Jonathan (nickname: J or Jon)
Ethan (no nickname)
William (nickname: Will)
Benjamin (nickname: Ben)

We like the idea of being able to call him by a shortened version of his name. If any of you have suggestions please feel free to post what you think...I'd love the in-put!


Raeanna said...

Emily you are a very cute pregnant lady! You used to say you thought you would just get really huge because you aren't too tall but i think you look great!

Kristi said...

I like all the names you are thinking cute! I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I first go to your blog! You are actually SHOWING and so cute. You belly has just grown a lot since your last picture. I am so excited for you, and I get really excited for my pregnancy to get farther along!

Mango said...

so I didn't know you had a blog but I am glad to know that you knew that I did! Crazy! Well I love you! I still like Ethan but his nickname will forever be "bart" to me!

Kalli said...

Emily hey girl you are so cute pregnant!! I found you on Morgan's blog and I figured I would say hi since it is easier to say hello on blogs than facebook anyways it is good to read that you are doing so well and soon expecting a new little man to your home I am so excited for you it is wonderful I love being a mom. Well take care girlie and keep in touch.

Alicia said...

I think it would be so much fun for both of our little boys to be named Jonathan (it's at the top of our list too)! We're going to probably call him Jon for short. (With the middle name of Wade)
PS even though I have a blogger ID our blog is still at wordpress

Frances said...

You are so cute!!! It was so good to see you! I'm glad I can keep up on what you guys are up to on your blog! England looks like it was so much fun! call me soon!

Tiff said...

Emily Moody West! You are in big trouble! I had to find you through blog stalking...and I didn't even know there was a little boy to be named. But I'm am VERY happy for you and hope all is going well!

Ryan and Erin said...

I love all of your names, sorry I can't help there but I am so excited for you guys! Definitely keep us updated with your baby news!

Chelsey said...

You have the cutest pregnant belly. All of your names sound great. They sound like great English names...and American names. We'll love whatever you choose.