Monday, April 14, 2008

A Little Something on the Blog for Mike

Well, I recently learned how to change our blog design (thanks again, Laura, for that helpful link) and so I had a lot of fun figuring out what patterns I wanted and which colors/graphics go together. Now anyone who knows me knows that I have high ambitions but I am really not a very scrapbooky kind of girl. For example, a finished product for a "cute" scrapbooking page in my book would normally consist of a piece of white computer paper embellished with a picture in the middle and a heart drawn in crayola crayon. Hey...I might even get fancy and add a star or two. Anyway, so when I learned how to make fancy the blog, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it and that it actually turned out pretty cute (not as cute as some...Becka, Erin, Laura, Morgan you guys put me to shame) but I was satisfied none the less. Anyway, so about a week ago after I was pleased with the complete project I proudly showed it to Mike, expecting him to admire the pretty pastel colors and butterfly accents. Well...that didn't really happen (and really, how could I be surprised by this reaction) instead he was sweet and said something like, "It looks nice..." and then when we further inspected it he said, "Why is there a butterfly on it?" Well...darn it, I don't know, it's cute...isn't that what cute is supposed to be--little butterflies, fun colors, happy puppies...? Whatever, he just didn't understand. But then after he shrugged his shoulders and went back to doing his business it made me think. Mike is a great guy, and this blog should reflect him too, you know?! is my new feature. On the side bar I added a slide show of cool guy know things Mike would like such as basketball, Wayne Rooney and crazy sports injuries. So here you go, honey, this is for you...hopefully you will find it a little more appropriate for your manhood, but...the butterfly stays!


w and w said...

Oh Mike! You remind me of Will... in a good way of course. How funny. Em good job on the blog, I must admit I need some lessons. Check the email, that explains it all. We sure are itchin for some time w you 2 cause we miss you so stinkin much!

Andrea Jolene said...

Hey I like it! How did you do it? How how how? I've been wanting to make my blog more unique and have no idea what to do about it. NONE! PS: I also I'm not scarpbooky. I like that we are friends.

Kristi said...

Your blog looks so good! (I need to find out your secret website) I feel the same way when I am designing my blog...I don't want it to be too girly since the blog is for our whole family. My blog is probably the girliest that it will be (my excuse is that it is spring and there needs to be flowers...:))

naomi said...

Emily, this is Naomi Martin from Independent study (took Paiges place)- I found your blog through Andrea's so I hope that's not too creepy. Congratulations! Allllllllso your mention of Wayne Rooney made me homesickish! Glad your husband is staying britishy.